HSL.jl documentation

A set of interfaces to HSL packages for sparse linear algebra.

Certain HSL packages are freely available to all, others are freely available to academics only. Please refer to the website above for licensing information. In all cases, users are responsible for obtaining HSL packages.


julia> ]
pkg> add HSL

At this point, make sure that there isn't a stray METIS library on your library path. You especially want to make sure that METIS 5 is not accessible because the HSL library currently interfaced only supports METIS 4. If you have such library accessible, it is important to remove it from the library path, at least temporarily. For example, if you are on OSX and are using Homebrew, you can hide METIS 5 with brew unlink metis. After the install procedure is complete, it is fine to link metis again with brew link metis.

Set the environment variables HSL_MA57_PATH and HSL_MA97_PATH to specify where the source archives tar.gz are stored. Alternatively, you can use the zip archive as long as unzip is installed on your system. The HSL Julia module will take care of compilation. Once the source archives have been placed in the locations indicated by the environment variables, run

julia> ]
pkg> build HSL
pkg> test HSL

Note that a C and Fortran compilers are required. Should it be necessary, you can set the compilers to use by setting the environment variables

  • HSL_FC: the Fortran 90/95 compiler (default: gfortran)
  • HSL_F77: the Fortran 77 compiler (default: the same as FC)
  • HSL_CC: the C compiler (default: gcc).

General Guidelines on Compilers

The version of gcc and gfortran used to compile HSL.jl should be based on the same version of the shared libgfortran library as the version of Julia being used. On Linux, Julia ≥ 1.8 is based on libgfortran version 5, whereas on macOS, they are based on libgfortran version 4. Thus for instance, versions of gcc/gfortran as recent as 11 are appropriate on Linux, but version 7 could be used on macOS. On macOS, the compilers can be installed with Homebrew using

brew install gcc@7

Installing on Apple Silicon

Homebrew does not (yet) provide precompiled binaries for gcc/gfortran based on libgfortran version 4. One solution is to use Julia and the compilers built for Intel Macs via Rosetta. First make sure that Rosetta is installed by following, e.g., these instructions.

You may now install Homebrew for Intel Macs on your Silicon Mac:

arch -x86_64 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

Note that Homebrew for Silicon installs in /opt/homebrew whereas Homebrew for Intel installs in /usr/local.

Next, install gcc/gfortran version 7 for Intel:

arch -x86_64 /usr/local/bin/brew install gcc@7

Finally, define the environment variables

  • HSL_FC=/usr/local/bin/gfortran-7 -arch x86_64
  • HSL_CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc-7 -arch x86_64

prior to building HSL.jl from the Julia command prompt.

Supported Packages


Supported versions:

  • 2.6.0
  • 2.7.0

HSL_MA97: an OpenMP-based direct solver for symmetric linear systems. Example:

using MatrixMarket
using HSL

K = MatrixMarket.mmread("K.mtx")  # only the lower triangle
rhs = readdlm("rhs.rhs")

LBL = Ma97(K)
x = ma97_solve(LBL, rhs)  # or x = LBL \ rhs

Rectangular Systems

There is a convenience interface to solve rectangular systems that complements the sparse QR factorization in Julia.

When A is m-by-n with m < n and has full row rank,

(x, y) = ma97_solve(A, b)

solves for the minimum-norm solution, i.e., x such that Ax = b and x + Aᵀ y = 0. The call

(x, y) = ma97_min_norm(A, b)

is also defined, and is equivalent to the above.

When m > n and has full column rank,

(r, x) = ma97_solve(A, b)

solves for the least-squares solution, i.e., x such that r = b - Ax satisfies Aᵀ r = 0. The call

(r, x) = ma97_least_squares(A, b)

is also defined, and is equivalent to the above.


HSL_MA57 version 5.2.0: a sparse, multifrontal solver for symmetric linear systems. Example:

using MatrixMarket
using HSL

K = MatrixMarket.mmread("examples/K_0.mtx")  # only the lower triangle
rhs = readdlm("examples/rhs_0.rhs")
rhss = hcat(rhs, rhs)

## factorize and solve
LDL = Ma57(K)
x = ma57_solve(LDL, rhs)  # or x = LBL \ rhs
norm(K*x - rhs)
xx = ma57_solve(LDL, rhss)  # or x = LBL \ rhss

Rectangular Systems

There is a convenience interface to solve rectangular systems that complements the sparse QR factorization in Julia.

When A is m-by-n with m < n and has full row rank,

(x, y) = ma57_solve(A, b)

solves for the minimum-norm solution, i.e., x such that Ax = b and x + Aᵀ y = 0. The call

(x, y) = ma57_min_norm(A, b)

is also defined, and is equivalent to the above.

When m > n and has full column rank,

(r, x) = ma57_solve(A, b)

solves for the least-squares solution, i.e., x such that r = b - Ax satisfies Aᵀ r = 0. The call

(r, x) = ma57_least_squares(A, b)

is also defined, and is equivalent to the above. Example:

using MatrixMarket
using HSL

K = MatrixMarket.mmread("examples/K_0.mtx")  # only the lower triangle
rhs = readdlm("examples/rhs_0.rhs")

## solve min norm
K_mn = K[1:200,:]
x_mn, y_mn = ma57_min_norm(K_mn, rhs[1:200]) # == ma57_solve(K_mn, rhs[1:200])

## solve least squares
K_ls = K[:,1:200]
r_ls, x_ls = ma57_least_squares(K_ls, rhs)   # == ma57_solve(K_ls, rhs)