


KnitroSolver(::Val{Bool}, nlp; kwargs...,)

Returns a KnitroSolver structure to solve the problem nlp with knitro!.

Knitro does not accept least-squares problems with constraints other than bounds. If an NLSModel has constraints other than bounds, we convert it to a FeasibilityFormNLS. The first argument is Val(false) if the problem has been converted, and Val(true) otherwise.

For the possible kwargs, we refer to knitro.

output = knitro(nlp; kwargs...)

Solves the NLPModel problem nlp using KNITRO.

For advanced usage, first define a KnitroSolver to preallocate the memory used in the algorithm, and then call solve!:

solver = KnitroSolver(nlp)
solve!(solver, nlp; kwargs...)
solve!(solver, nlp, stats; kwargs...)

Optional keyword arguments

  • x0: a vector of size nlp.meta.nvar to specify an initial primal guess
  • y0: a vector of size nlp.meta.ncon to specify an initial dual guess for the general constraints
  • z0: a vector of size nlp.meta.nvar to specify initial multipliers for the bound constraints
  • callback: a user-defined Function called by KNITRO at each iteration.

For more information on callbacks, see and the docstring of `KNITRO.KNsetnewptcallback`.

All other keyword arguments will be passed to KNITRO as an option. See for the list of options accepted.
