

RipQP uses the package QuadraticModels.jl to model convex quadratic problems.

Here is a basic example:

using QuadraticModels, LinearAlgebra, SparseMatricesCOO
Q = [6. 2. 1.
     2. 5. 2.
     1. 2. 4.]
c = [-8.; -3; -3]
A = [1. 0. 1.
     0. 2. 1.]
b = [0.; 3]
l = [-1.0;0;0]
u = [Inf; Inf; Inf]
QM = QuadraticModel(
QuadraticModels.QuadraticModel{Float64, Vector{Float64}, SparseMatricesCOO.SparseMatrixCOO{Float64, Int64}, SparseMatricesCOO.SparseMatrixCOO{Float64, Int64}}
  Problem name: QM
   All variables: ████████████████████ 3      All constraints: ████████████████████ 2     
            free: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                 free: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
           lower: ████████████████████ 3                lower: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
           upper: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                upper: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
         low/upp: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0              low/upp: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
           fixed: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                fixed: ████████████████████ 2     
          infeas: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0               infeas: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
            nnzh: (  0.00% sparsity)   6               linear: ████████████████████ 2     
                                                    nonlinear: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
                                                         nnzj: ( 33.33% sparsity)   4     

             obj: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                 grad: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                 cons: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
        cons_lin: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0             cons_nln: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                 jcon: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
           jgrad: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                  jac: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0              jac_lin: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
         jac_nln: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                jprod: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0            jprod_lin: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
       jprod_nln: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0               jtprod: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0           jtprod_lin: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
      jtprod_nln: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                 hess: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                hprod: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
           jhess: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0               jhprod: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     

Once your QuadraticModel is loaded, you can simply solve it RipQP:

using RipQP
stats = ripqp(QM)
[ Info: Solving in Float64 using K2LDL with LDLFactorizationData
[ Info:   iter       obj      rgap      ‖rb‖      ‖rc‖     α_pri      α_du         μ         ρ         δ
[ Info:      0   3.6e+00   9.9e-01   1.4e+00   3.8e+00   0.0e+00   0.0e+00   5.9e+00   1.5e-03   1.5e-03
[ Info:      1   1.6e+00   2.7e-01   4.1e-03   1.4e-03   1.0e+00   1.0e+00   2.4e-01   1.5e-03   1.5e-03
[ Info:      2   1.2e+00   2.1e-02   5.5e-05   4.5e-05   1.0e+00   1.0e+00   1.5e-02   1.5e-04   1.5e-04
[ Info:      3   1.1e+00   1.0e-04   6.9e-07   1.9e-05   1.0e+00   1.0e+00   6.1e-05   1.5e-05   1.5e-05
[ Info:      4   1.1e+00   1.0e-07   1.0e-09   1.9e-08   1.0e+00   1.0e+00   6.1e-08   1.5e-06   1.5e-06
[ Info:      5   1.1e+00   1.0e-10   1.1e-12   1.8e-11   1.0e+00   1.0e+00   6.1e-11   1.5e-07   1.5e-07
Generic Execution stats
  status: first-order stationary
  objective value: 1.1250000001819647
  primal feasibility: 5.253818735984856e-13
  dual feasibility: 4.5240388878182354e-11
  solution: [-6.602556960437742e-11  1.499999999967075  6.550018773077893e-11]
  multipliers: [-5.000000000443094  2.249999999907261]
  multipliers_L: [1.3498983056074131e-12  9.350004367856938e-13  2.7500000006802963]
  multipliers_U: [0.0  0.0  0.0]
  iterations: 5
  elapsed time: 13.493134021759033
  solver specific:
    iters_sp: 5
    pdd: 1.002449365261327e-10
    psoperations: ∅
    iters_sp3: 0
    iters_sp2: 0
    relative_iter_cnt: 20

The stats output is a GenericExecutionStats.

It is also possible to use the package QPSReader.jl in order to read convex quadratic problems in MPS or SIF formats: (download QAFIRO)

using QPSReader, QuadraticModels
QM = QuadraticModel(readqps("assets/QAFIRO.SIF"))
QuadraticModels.QuadraticModel{Float64, Vector{Float64}, SparseMatricesCOO.SparseMatrixCOO{Float64, Int64}, SparseMatricesCOO.SparseMatrixCOO{Float64, Int64}}
  Problem name: Generic
   All variables: ████████████████████ 32     All constraints: ████████████████████ 27    
            free: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                 free: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
           lower: ████████████████████ 32               lower: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
           upper: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                upper: ███████████████⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 19    
         low/upp: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0              low/upp: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
           fixed: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                fixed: ██████⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 8     
          infeas: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0               infeas: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
            nnzh: ( 98.86% sparsity)   6               linear: ████████████████████ 27    
                                                    nonlinear: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
                                                         nnzj: ( 90.39% sparsity)   83    

             obj: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                 grad: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                 cons: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
        cons_lin: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0             cons_nln: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                 jcon: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
           jgrad: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                  jac: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0              jac_lin: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
         jac_nln: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                jprod: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0            jprod_lin: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
       jprod_nln: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0               jtprod: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0           jtprod_lin: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
      jtprod_nln: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                 hess: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0                hprod: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     
           jhess: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0               jhprod: ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ 0     


RipQP displays some logs at each iterate.

stats = ripqp(QM)
[ Info: Solving in Float64 using K2LDL with LDLFactorizationData
[ Info:   iter       obj      rgap      ‖rb‖      ‖rc‖     α_pri      α_du         μ         ρ         δ
[ Info:      0   5.1e+03   5.2e+00   5.3e+02   6.2e+01   0.0e+00   0.0e+00   8.2e+02   1.5e-03   1.5e-03
[ Info:      1   2.8e+02   4.7e+01   7.7e+01   8.7e+00   8.6e-01   2.9e-01   3.4e+02   1.5e-03   1.5e-03
[ Info:      2   2.8e+02   3.7e+01   4.3e+01   7.3e+00   4.4e-01   2.8e-01   2.6e+02   1.5e-04   1.5e-04
[ Info:      3   2.2e+02   3.0e+00   2.5e+00   5.4e-01   9.4e-01   9.9e-01   1.5e+01   1.5e-05   1.5e-05
[ Info:      4   3.6e+01   2.1e+00   8.2e-03   6.4e-02   1.0e+00   9.9e-01   1.6e+00   1.5e-06   1.5e-06
[ Info:      5   4.7e+00   1.9e+00   3.5e-06   1.4e-06   1.0e+00   1.0e+00   2.2e-01   1.5e-07   1.5e-07
[ Info:      6  -4.3e-01   7.7e-01   1.1e-07   3.1e-01   1.0e+00   7.7e-01   3.5e-02   1.5e-08   1.5e-08
[ Info:      7  -1.5e+00   5.3e-02   1.1e-08   1.1e-02   9.1e-01   9.8e-01   3.1e-03   1.5e-09   1.5e-09
[ Info:      8  -1.6e+00   6.1e-05   1.0e-10   1.3e-05   1.0e+00   1.0e+00   3.7e-06   1.5e-10   1.5e-09
[ Info:      9  -1.6e+00   6.1e-08   2.6e-13   1.3e-08   1.0e+00   1.0e+00   3.7e-09   1.5e-11   1.5e-09
[ Info:     10  -1.6e+00   6.1e-11   7.1e-15   1.3e-11   1.0e+00   1.0e+00   3.7e-12   1.5e-12   1.5e-09
Generic Execution stats
  status: first-order stationary
  objective value: -1.590781793787462
  primal feasibility: 7.105427357601002e-15
  dual feasibility: 4.0220152292944574e-11
  solution: [0.38028479685706695  8.806189977065276e-13  0.3802847968561864  0.40310188466849095 ⋯ 1.6759073619030825e-13]
  multipliers: [-4.466932765449747  -2.2377603513257897e-12  -1.980617639140097e-14  -3.642178610385085 ⋯ -6.781571768245936e-15]
  multipliers_L: [3.0441783478982717e-12  1.185323748792536  2.340230871153934e-12  2.242879722664324e-12 ⋯ 10.000000000000178]
  multipliers_U: [0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0 ⋯ 0.0]
  iterations: 10
  elapsed time: 0.09997987747192383
  solver specific:
    iters_sp: 10
    pdd: 6.100201586626379e-11
    psoperations: [QuadraticModels.SingletonRow{Float64, Vector{Float64}}(3, 1, 1.0, false, true)  QuadraticModels.SingletonRow{Float64, Vector{Float64}}(13, 16, 1.0, false, true)]
    iters_sp3: 0
    iters_sp2: 0
    relative_iter_cnt: 40

You can deactivate logging with

stats = ripqp(QM, display = false)
Generic Execution stats
  status: first-order stationary
  objective value: -1.590781793787462
  primal feasibility: 7.105427357601002e-15
  dual feasibility: 4.0220152292944574e-11
  solution: [0.38028479685706695  8.806189977065276e-13  0.3802847968561864  0.40310188466849095 ⋯ 1.6759073619030825e-13]
  multipliers: [-4.466932765449747  -2.2377603513257897e-12  -1.980617639140097e-14  -3.642178610385085 ⋯ -6.781571768245936e-15]
  multipliers_L: [3.0441783478982717e-12  1.185323748792536  2.340230871153934e-12  2.242879722664324e-12 ⋯ 10.000000000000178]
  multipliers_U: [0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0 ⋯ 0.0]
  iterations: 10
  elapsed time: 0.0003490447998046875
  solver specific:
    iters_sp: 10
    pdd: 6.100201586626379e-11
    psoperations: [QuadraticModels.SingletonRow{Float64, Vector{Float64}}(3, 1, 1.0, false, true)  QuadraticModels.SingletonRow{Float64, Vector{Float64}}(13, 16, 1.0, false, true)]
    iters_sp3: 0
    iters_sp2: 0
    relative_iter_cnt: 40

It is also possible to get a history of several quantities such as the primal and dual residuals and the relative primal-dual gap. These quantites are available in the dictionary solver_specific of the stats.

stats = ripqp(QM, display = false, history = true)
pddH = stats.solver_specific[:pddH]
11-element Vector{Float64}:

Change configuration and tolerances

You can use RipQP without presolve and scaling with:

stats = ripqp(QM, ps=false, scaling = false)

You can also change the RipQP.InputTol type to change the tolerances for the stopping criteria:

stats = ripqp(QM, itol = InputTol(max_iter = 5))
[ Info: Solving in Float64 using K2LDL with LDLFactorizationData
[ Info:   iter       obj      rgap      ‖rb‖      ‖rc‖     α_pri      α_du         μ         ρ         δ
[ Info:      0   5.1e+03   5.2e+00   5.3e+02   6.2e+01   0.0e+00   0.0e+00   8.2e+02   1.5e-03   1.5e-03
[ Info:      1   2.8e+02   4.7e+01   7.7e+01   8.7e+00   8.6e-01   2.9e-01   3.4e+02   1.5e-03   1.5e-03
[ Info:      2   2.8e+02   3.7e+01   4.3e+01   7.3e+00   4.4e-01   2.8e-01   2.6e+02   1.5e-04   1.5e-04
[ Info:      3   2.2e+02   3.0e+00   2.5e+00   5.4e-01   9.4e-01   9.9e-01   1.5e+01   1.5e-05   1.5e-05
[ Info:      4   3.6e+01   2.1e+00   8.2e-03   6.4e-02   1.0e+00   9.9e-01   1.6e+00   1.5e-06   1.5e-06
[ Info:      5   4.7e+00   1.9e+00   3.5e-06   1.4e-06   1.0e+00   1.0e+00   2.2e-01   1.5e-07   1.5e-07
Generic Execution stats
  status: maximum iteration
  objective value: 4.658954498519296
  primal feasibility: 3.4981491245367202e-6
  dual feasibility: 1.6824715908247967e-6
  solution: [0.743878138254691  0.004674605650346285  0.7392033550578112  0.78851071023687 ⋯ 0.002243926732604866]
  multipliers: [-7.826615009307647  -0.44355741689044687  -0.0002826585049596877  -7.445204284037653 ⋯ -9.745279751756744e-5]
  multipliers_L: [0.1452930232869297  1.5112382757139278  0.6014690171102718  0.44363007256944875 ⋯ 10.002732536283734]
  multipliers_U: [0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0 ⋯ 0.0]
  iterations: 5
  elapsed time: 0.007070064544677734
  solver specific:
    iters_sp: 5
    pdd: 1.949512880288423
    psoperations: [QuadraticModels.SingletonRow{Float64, Vector{Float64}}(3, 1, 1.0, false, true)  QuadraticModels.SingletonRow{Float64, Vector{Float64}}(13, 16, 1.0, false, true)]
    iters_sp3: 0
    iters_sp2: 0
    relative_iter_cnt: 20

Save the Interior-Point system

At every iteration, RipQP solves two linear systems with the default Predictor-Corrector method (the affine system and the corrector-centering system), or one linear system with the Infeasible Path-Following method.

To save these systems, you can use:

w = SystemWrite(write = true, name="test_", kfirst = 4, kgap=3)
stats = ripqp(QM, w = w)

This will save one matrix and the associated two right hand sides of the PC method every three iterations starting at iteration four. Then, you can read the saved files with:

using DelimitedFiles, MatrixMarket
K = MatrixMarket.mmread("test_K_iter4.mtx")
rhs_aff = readdlm("test_rhs_iter4_aff.rhs", Float64)[:]
rhs_cc =  readdlm("test_rhs_iter4_cc.rhs", Float64)[:];


You can see the elapsed time with:


For more advance timers you can use TimerOutputs.jl:

using TimerOutputs
stats = ripqp(QM)
TimerOutputs.complement!(RipQP.to) # print complement of timed sections
show(RipQP.to, sortby = :firstexec)